Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pregnant and Running(sort of)

For the first month of pregnancy I continued exercising regularly at my gym, not running though since I have already lost one, I did not want to tempt fate. I used the elliptical and bike mostly. Then I got sick, and not pregnant sick, no throwing up. Sick as in sinus issues. And I mean sinus blockage beyond your normal sinus blockage. I haven't been able to breathe in over three months. I am not kidding, at the top of the stairs, I have to consciously breathe. Here I thought this was a automatic bodily function. Not something I would recommend to someone who has an extra 10 pounds on the belly which already is going to tax your lungs, creating nose noise that either whistles or growls. Have you ever heard someone breathing heavy and you are thinking 'God...?!?' Well I have been humbled and will never judge again! I've never had a problem with snoring but in the last three months I have not slept properly even to the point I've woken myself up. Try getting through the day when the night before you are waking up every 20 minutes to pee and every 15 to blow your nose.
Despite having what they call 'rhinitis of pregnancy' I decided I needed to start running again. To be honest, the real wake up call came yesterday when I received my weekly email from one of the pregnancy websites telling me that I was almost half way done! Here I thought I was going to be an active preggo but I am almost half way and have not exercised in a couple of months! So despite having not slept the night before, literally up until 3:30AM, I decided yesterday was the day.
So after starting dinner, I was dressed in my work out clothes. Which are not maternity by the way. So the pants that are normally long on me are high waters and the technical shirt didn't cover my belly. The pants I decided I could live with and I threw a t-shirt over the tech so that I would spare the neighborhood. Turned on Pandora and My Tracks and I was off. Sort of. Here are my stats.
With all my breathing issues I am proud I was able to get the 2.5 miles done in 38 minutes. Mind you, most of it was walking since I was struggling to take individual breaths.
I think tonight I will be bringing a handkerchief to blow my nose since using the t-shirt on your back really is not attractive and quite disgusting once it dries.
All being said, I am excited to be back at it and can only hope for sinus relief soon.

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